Saturday, January 31, 2015

"In the Beginning" - A Sermon on Genesis 1

Preached June 15, 2014
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Gerald, Texas

Friends, it is good to be back with you today.
            You have been in my prayers,
                        And I am grateful for you and for this church family.

We live in a miraculous, wonderful, complex world
            Made up of uncountable species
                        Of animals and plants and life of all kinds.

And we worship the God,
            Who is Creator of all things.
                        God our Mother and God our Father,
                                    The source of life and breath and
                                                Ruler over all Creation.

And across creation,
            There is such diversity
                        Beings of all different kinds, shapes, sizes, and varieties,
                                    Diversity of animals,
                                                Yet all one family
                                    Diversity of humanity
                                                Yet all one family.

Yes, humans are incredibly diverse.
            Even within a group that seems like it would be homogenous,
                        We find stunning brilliance of differences.
                                    Think about the color blue
                                                Think about the crystal clear blue waters
Of a tropical beach
                                    Or the deep, rich shade of a sapphire
                                                Or the night sky between dusk 
                                                            And midnight.
                          Stunning brilliance, differences,
                                    All proclaiming praise to God our Creator
Who is the source of all things.

You may have heard some debate about Creation,
            People arguing about whether to read the text
                        Scientifically or theologically
Or historically or allegorically.

It is natural to be interested in Creation
We want to understand the world around us
                        And interpret our realities.
But I want to challenge us to revisit this text in a new way
            I think we have been asking the wrong questions.

When I read about God’s creation,
            I am little concerned with “How” or “When.”
                        Isaiah 55 says that God’s ways are higher than our ways,
                                    And God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

            Think about it.
                        No one was there to witness creation.
                                    Saying that God was the one
Who brought order to chaos  
                                                                        Is an affirmation of faith.
It can only be known through faith.

            Church, I think “how” and “when” are not the right questions
                        It’s not “how” but “who.”
                                    It’s not “when” but “why.”
                                                Not about process
                                                            But about purpose.

            We can’t scientifically prove God’s existence
Or God’s creative act.
When we proclaim that God is Creator,
We are affirming our faith in God,
                                    A reminder of what and whose we are.

Any God worthy of our devotion
            Is big enough for all of our questions.

We are right to ask questions,
            But let us be sure that we are asking the right ones.

Why did God create the world and humankind?
            What is our purpose on this earth?
                        What does it all mean,
                                    That God created the world,
                                                That God created us,

That God created us in God’s own image?

And as I sit in my wondering, I think about other questions
I would like to bring to our text today,
                        Some follow up questions for God
About the deeper concerns of being a human,
                                                Created by God in God’s image.

                        Who am I?
                                    Where am I going?
                                                Why did I do that?
                                                            Can I make it through this?
                        Where is God in this suffering?

I want to encourage us to read Genesis as a book of testimony
            As voices of the community of our faith
                        Witnessing to their trials,
            Articulating how God is moving
Within their community
In spite of struggles,
                                                Speaking solidarity with us 
                                                            As fellow sojourners,
Proclaiming that no matter what is happening,
                                    We are not alone
                                                God is with us
In our disappointments
And in our victories.

Let us approach Genesis with our questions
            And even if we leave this encounter with God limping away,
                        Not fully understanding what has happened,
                                    May we know that
                                                God is with us.

In the beginning was the Word
            And the Word was with God
                        And the Word was God.

In the beginning was God,
            And everything that is and ever has been
                        Is because God spoke it into being.

There was a formless void
            And a great darkness over the watery deep.

And like a mother hen tending to her nest,
            Waiting for life to come
                        God’s spirit hovered over the waters.

Just like God’s Spirit still hovers
            Over the formless void
                        Of broken lives and great darkness.

We may not be able to see or detect God’s presence
            But the good news of “in the beginning”
                        Is that God is with us.

While it may seem that sometimes
Our prayers only go as high as our ceilings
                        We are not alone
God is our Mother hen
            Brooding over us,
                        Waiting for life to spring forth.

Recall that Genesis was written
            During the time of exile
                        When the people of Israel had lost everything
                                    And were waiting for God to send rescue.
So the entire book has a message between the lines,
            A message of hope for the hopeless,
                        Freedom for the captives.

Church, can you hear their testimony?
            God is Almighty!
                        God is more powerful than other gods.
                                    You can hope in God
                                                Because God is with you.

And did you notice that when God created,
            God said, “Let us”?
                        In the beginning was the Word
                                    And the Word was with God
                                                And the Word was God.

Humans are created in God’s image
            Male and female in the image of God

For God is our Father and our Mother
            Bigger than one gender or the other
                        And bigger than any of our words and categories.

God can’t be contained in a human depiction
            Humans are created in diversity.
                        Humans are created in love,
                                    Love that seeks companionship,
                                                Love that exists for others.
God’s identity is “us”, plural
            And our identity is belonging to a community.

We are not created for ourselves, but for God
            Whose image we bear

So when we read this text to justify domination
Of one group over the other
                        We completely miss the point

It’s not about “how” or “when”
            But about “who” and “why”
                        Not process, but purpose
                                    Not power and authority, but community

Genesis 1:28 calls for joint dominion over the earth.
            Dominion, not domination.
If you read Genesis 1 as justification of man over woman
            You have not really read the text
                        Because the entire story of God’s creation
                                    Is about community
                                                By a God who is in very nature,

Not process, but purpose.
            And this is not just between the humans,
                        Not just about man and woman
                                    But about humankind and the earth.

We are created in community by a God who is Love
            And we are to love each other and our world.

Sexism and the hierarchy of humans over nature go hand in hand.
            Exploitation of things or others
                        Comes from a sense of entitlement.

But let us remember that God created us
            For community
Not domination.

The story of creation also has a challenge.
            Just as God created in the darkness with nothing
                        We, who may be trapped in darkness, are called to create.
We, who may have nothing, are called to create.

There is a book of Jewish stories about stories in the Bible
            Called Does God Have a Big Toe?
                        And the story of creation is very profound.

            God created the world
                        And God created humans in God’s image
                                    To be partners with God in creating the world.

            Some of the animals in the garden ask God
If the world is finished being created.
God says that the animals will have to ask Adam and Eve,
                        For they are God’s partners in creation.

There is a line at the end of the story that I wanted to share with you:
            “On the days you think I am not doing enough,
                        And on the days I think you are not doing enough,
                                    Even on those days,
                                                We are still partners
                                                            And we must not stop
Trying to finish the world.”

Out of the watery deep comes order and harmony
            And just as God brought order to the universe
                        Through us, God will keep bringing new life.
                                    Through us, God will continue creating
And recreating the world,
                                                            Lighting up the darkness,
                                                                        Ordering the chaos.

If we are made in God’s image
            Then let us focus in on what God is doing.

God is concerned with life
            And with the forces that nurture life and threaten life.
God speaks into emptiness even when there is no one to listen.
            Life depends on light,
                        So let there be light.

God is with us in the light of day
            And the dark of night
                        In the pinnacle of our hopes
                                    And the deep valleys of our despair.

No darkness can swallow God because God is over all things,
            Even darkness,
                        And in the midst of the darkness,
                                    God says, let there be light!

God knows that we need nutrition and water
            So God created the seas
                        And the atmosphere
                                    And vegetation.

God knows that we need reminders of hope and joy,
            So God created flowers and beautiful landscape.

God knows we need order,
            So God created a cosmic clock of lights
                        To order the passage of time.

And just as God has done,
            So are we called to do.

We are to be concerned with life
And the things that nurture and threaten it,

To use and preserve water
And vegetation and the environment,
To be reminders of hope and joy,
            And to leave reminders of hope and joy
                        For others behind us.

            We are called to speak into the darkness
                        To create order out of chaos.

When I was at the lowest point in my life I had ever been,
            A friend sent me a poem by Frank Butler
                        That reminded me what and whose I am.

“Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water.
And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes
You cannot even breathe deeply, and
The night sky is no home, and
You have cried yourself to sleep enough times
That you are down to your last two percent, but

Nothing is infinite,
Not even loss.

You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day
You are going to find yourself again.”

I love this poem.

When I read it, I remember the nights I could not sleep,
            When my anxious heart could not find rest,
                        When even my home did not feel like a safe place,
When I did not know if everything would be alright,
                        When I wondered where God was,
                                    If God could hear me,
                                                And if there was even any point
In hoping anymore.

I remember when I was down to my last two percent,
            When I was running on fumes at best,
                        When I felt completely alone
And forgotten
And forsaken,
Maybe even by God.

But my friend breathed life into me.
            She spoke the truth of God’s power
And justice and mercy,
Of God’s faithfulness
                        Of God our Mother and God our Father
                                    Whose spirit blew over
The dark formless void of my life
                                                            And brought forth life
And light
And order.

Church, we were made in the image of God,
            And are called to be the hands and feet of God in the world.

So let us bear the image of God
            As we exist in the world.

To those among us living in darkness,
            In addictions,
                        In abusive relationships,
                                    In financial trouble,
                                                In uncertainty,
                                                            In despair,
                                                                        In sorrow,

            With hurts that do not seem to heal,
                        With losses that cannot be replaced,
                                    With blind faith awaiting fulfillment of promises
that just aren’t coming yet,

            Let us speak light!
                        Let us speak light into their darkness!

To those among us living in a formless void,
            Those who suffer at the hands of injustice,
                        Those who are oppressed,

Those who are slandered and violated and exploited,
                        Those who cannot even afford 
                                    To ask themselves about purpose,
                                                Because they are just trying to survive,
Those who have nothing left to hope in
but hope itself,

            Let us speak order into their chaos!

We are called to speak truth to power,
            To enter the darkness without fear,
                        So that we might breathe
The creative power of God,
And through some mystery of being created in God’s image,
                        Bring redemption and healing and hope and harmony.

Where there is discord,
            We are called to breathe peace.

Where there is oppression,
            We are called to breathe freedom.

Where there is exploitation,
            We are called to breathe partnership.

Where there is despair,
            We are called to breathe joy.

Where there is hopelessness,
            We are called to breathe the wind of God,
                        Who is the creator of all that is
And ever was
And ever will be,
And who is faithful to fulfill promises.

May our lives be like a wind sweeping over the dark chasm
Of chaos around us,
                        Spreading life and light and the power of God,
                                    Which nothing can conquer.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
            In the beginning was the Word,
                        And the Word was with God,
                                    And the Word was God.

In the beginning, God was with us,
            And God is still with us,
                        In our splendor and brilliance,
                                    In our success and achievements,
                                                When we blossom and nurture
And thrive,

In the beginning, God was with us,
            And God is still with us,
In our darkness,
                        In our formless voids,
                                    When we fail and falter,
                                                When we are down
                                                            To our last two percent.

Even then, we are not alone,
            Even then, we are not forsaken,
                        And even then, we are not without hope.

For, from the very beginning,
            God is our Creator,
                        Our source of life,
                                    Our ever-present help in trouble,
                                                Our deliverer and redeemer,
                                                            Our constant companion,
                                                                        Emmanuel, God with us.

Thanks be unto God.

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,

How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

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