Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Bread of Life" - A Sermon on Exodus 16:2-15

Preached September 21, 2014
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Gerald, TX

Pray with me.
            God our Creator and Sustainer
            As we reflect on your Word this morning
            May we have ears to hear and eyes to see
            May we open ourselves to all that You are
            And may the words of my mouth
            And the meditations of my heart
            Be good and pleasing to You

It is good to be back with you
I have missed you
And remember you in my prayers often

Today I will be preaching from Exodus 16.

You will recall the story of the Hebrew people
            Enslaved by Egypt.
                        They had grown so numerous
That Pharaoh ordered
Genocide against the baby boys

            But Moses’ mother protected him,
                        And like so many mothers
                                    She made a way out of no way
                                                To provide for her child
As it turns out,
            Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s house

But when Moses saw an Egyptian attack a Hebrew slave,
            He killed that slave master,
                        Revealing his true loyalty
To the Hebrews over the Egyptians
                                                And it was time for him to go.

Even then, God was up to something bigger
            Moses would not just deliver that one man
From his slave master.

            Moses would deliver the entire Hebrew people
From slavery.

You know how the story goes.
            Moses hears God’s call,
                        And leads the people out of Egypt.

Even as it seems they are trapped by the Red Sea,
            God parts the waters,
Allowing the mixed multitude to pass through
And drowning their persecutors.

They have just come through the Red Sea
            And now they are on the other side
                        Wondering “Now what?”

Here is where our passage joins the story.

It dawns on them
            That they are now out in the middle of nowhere
                        With no food
                                    And no sense of direction
                                                And afraid.

Before, the biggest threat facing the people of the covenant
Was barren women
                        Now it is barren land

The people cry out to God for water,
            And God leads them to Elim
                        Where they find 12 streams of water
                                    And 70 palm trees

This is God’s answer to their cries.
            And it is a profound answer.
No doubt the 12 streams reminded them
Of the covenant,
                                    That they were God’s chosen people,
And that just as God had provided for them before,
                        God would provide for them now.

And no doubt that the 70 palm trees
            Told them that they were in a healthy place,
                        With rich soil that brings forth life,
                                    That the fullness of God’s provision
Would be with them.

Even here,
            In the middle of nowhere.

But as is typical in the Old Testament,
            As soon as one issue is resolved,
                        The Israelites have found a new concern
To cry out to God about.

They have water,
            But they need food.
                        And not in small amounts.

This is the first in a series of episodes
Where the people complain to God,

And it gets more and more pronounced
            Until they end up crafting for themselves
An image of gold.

In this moment,
            They have forgotten that they cried out to God
To be delivered from slavery,
That God called Moses to deliver them,
                        That God parted the Red Sea for them,
And that God brought them
To a healthy land with streams and palm trees.

They have forgotten so much
            That they actually say that
                        Maybe it would have been better to stay a slave
                                    Because at least then, they had food.

At least slavery came with a meal plan.
            We could have survived in Egypt
                        Making bricks without straw wasn’t that bad
The plagues were but an inconvenience
                        We want to go back
                                    Because we have no shot here.

Think back to Hagar,
            The handmaiden of Sarah and Abraham,
                        Who takes her son and runs away
From her captors
And who God sends back to captivity
                        Because it is their best shot at survival.

But this time, God is not sending them back.
            God has freed the people from slavery
For a big purpose,
                                    And they are to press on.

So, God tells Moses that bread will rain from heaven.
God tells Moses that they will wake up in the morning
            And find that God’s provision is made new,
                        That they will be surrounded
By bread from heaven.

The people will have what they need for that day.
            They can eat until they’ve had their fill,
                        But they are not to hoard for the next day

            The text says that God is testing them,
                        Can they follow instructions?
                                    Will they trust God?

Moses tells the people what God has said,
            That there will be newness and vitality with the morning
                        That God has heard their cries
                                    And has answered them.

            That they will wake up and find bread from God,
                        That they may eat as much as they want
                                    Of this bread of life.

Moses and Aaron challenge the people to draw near to God
            To linger near to God.
                        Just as our children cling to our sides
In moments of uncertainty,
                                                The people were to cling
To God.

And as the people looked toward the wilderness
            They saw the glory of the Lord in a cloud.
This is the first time in the text that we see
God’s presence in the cloud.

We know that this anticipates the Tabernacle,
            Where the glory of the Lord dwells with the people
                        In the wilderness.

God with them.
            God with us.

Not only will God provide bread in the morning,
            But God will also provide meat in the evening.
                        And sure enough, that evening,
Quails came over the camp,
                                                And they feasted on the meat.

In the morning, there was a dew of flaky bread.
            Bread had rained from heaven,
                        God’s divine favor was upon them,
And God would faithfully provide for them,
                        Just as God had faithfully provided before,
And they would be the people of the covenant.

            God will protect them and provide for them
                        And sustain them with the bread of life,
                                    Because I am that I am is faithful

This is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.

And just as the Israelites worried that they would not have
Enough food to eat,

Let us look ahead to the gospel of John,
            When Jesus’ disciples also worried
That they would not have enough.

In John Chapter 6,

Jesus was teaching near the Sea of Galilee,
Just before Passover,
            (Our passage takes place
Just after Passover).

The disciples see a large multitude coming toward them
And wonder how they are supposed to feed
All of these people
Who have come to hear Jesus.

They are worried, but Jesus is not.
In the beginning was the word,
            And the word was with God,
                        And the word was God,

And Jesus, who is the Word,
Knew full well that
Just as the Deliverer of the Israelites
Told the multitude that God would provide bread
To feed them,

Jesus, the Deliverer of Humanity,
Would tell this multitude that God would provide
            The bread of life,
                        To save them.

You know this story too, I’m certain.
            A small boy has five loaves and two fish,
                        And after Jesus blesses the food,
                                    It feeds the entire multitude,

            With twelve baskets left over,
                        That perfect sign of the covenant,
                                    Jesus has provided the people
As much as they care to eat.

Later he tells them,
            Don’t focus on the food that perishes.
                        Focus on what sustains for all of time.

            They remember about the manna in the wilderness.
                        This bread that gives life to the world.

            The disciples ask Jesus to bring back the manna!
                        They say, “Let us eat this bread from heaven!”

But Jesus says to them, “I am the bread of life.
            Whoever comes to me will never be hungry,
                        And whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

I am that I am is the bread of life.

Do you see it?
            Just as God sent manna from heaven
                        To feed the Israelites,
                                    To sustain them in the wilderness,

            Jesus is the bread of life,
                        To save humanity,
                                    And all who eat of this bread
Will never be hungry again.

I don’t know the road you traveled
To enter this sanctuary this morning.

Some of you came the way of health and happiness 
            And supportive relationships.

Some of you may have come down the road of sickness,
            And it took all you had to get here today.

Some of you are carrying so much grief and sorrow
            That at any moment you might bow over
From the weight of it.

Some of you feel like you are held in slavery,
            Held down by someone or something,
                        Crying out for God to deliver you.

Some of you may have taken a road

Where the people you trust have lied to you
And battered you
                        And tried to justify it with the Bible,
                                    And your heart is so broken
That you don’t even know
                        How to cry out to God to save you.

Do you know those moments?
When you feel yourself slowly drowning
In your circumstances,
And you don’t even know what you need,
And when you try to pray, no words come out,
            And the best that you can muster
                        Are the groans that words cannot express…

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.

I assure you today
            That God has heard your cry
                        Today and every day.

You have cried out,
            And God has sent you manna and quail,
                        The bread of life,
And all who eat of this
Will never be hungry again.
Morning by morning, new mercies we see.

God does deliver us from suffering,
            In one way or another,
                        And even though it seems like
When it’s all said and done,

All that’s left are scraps of bread,
            God somehow speaks abundance out of nothingness,
                        Speaks life out of death,
And uses the delivered to deliver others.

Let us be as those who seek that which sustains us for all time.
            Let us not seek food for the moment,
                        Settling for a quick sugar high,
When we can feast on the meat and bread of the Word of God.

Let us be people who cry out to God,
            Who know in our bones that God hears us,
                        That God has always provided for us
                                    And is not about to stop now.

Let us be people who when we face a difficult circumstance,
            Immediately remember that
Our God has brought the Hebrews
Out of slavery,
Has parted the Red Sea,
                        Has sent manna and quail,
Has led God’s people into and out of the wilderness,
                        Into and out of the exile,
                                    And toward and beyond the cross.

            Let us be people who draw near to God,
                        Who proclaim all that God has done,
                                    Who never lose sight
Of who and whose we are.

Let us remember every time that we eat,
            That it is God who sustains us and provides for us,
                        That just as we enjoy what is before us
In that moment,
We enjoy relationship with God for eternity.

I am that I am hears our cries,
            I am that I am answers our prayers,
                        I am that I am provides for us,
                                    I am that I am is faithful to us.
                                                I am that I am is Immanuel,
God with us.

I am that I am will be our God,
            And we will be Yahweh’s people,
                        And nothing can threaten that relationship.

Neither barrenness nor overabundance,
            Neither slavery nor freedom,
                        Neither thirst nor hunger
                                    Can separate us from our God.

I am that I am has delivered us,
            And continues to liberate the oppressed through us.

I am that I am has fed us,
            And continues to feed the hungry through us.
And just as God’s mercy is new every morning,
            God’s manna rains down every morning,
                        Providing for each one, as much as they need.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee,
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,
As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

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