Saturday, January 31, 2015

"God Is Bigger" - A Sermon on Isaiah 49:1-7

Preached January 19, 2014
            St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Gerald, TX

Pray with me.
            God our Creator and Sustainer
            As we reflect on your Word this morning
            May we have ears to hear and eyes to see
            May we open ourselves to all that You are
            And may the words of my mouth
            And the meditations of my heart
            Be good and pleasing to You

Thank you for welcoming me into your church family this morning
            I celebrate with you about Pastor Sharyl’s new baby
                        And am honored to preach in her place this morning
                                    Even as you joyfully anticipate her return
                                                Soon and very soon

This morning, I will be preaching from Isaiah 49.

You may know the story of the people of Israel
            How they went from being the people of the covenant
                        To slavery in Egypt
                                    To wanderers in the wilderness
                                                To inheritors of the promised land

They finally reach the promised land
            And they call for themselves a king, Saul
                        And David after him, and Solomon after him
                                    And things seem to be going very well for them

But somewhere in the midst of all of this success,
            The Assyrians conquer Israel
                        And then the Babylonians conquer Assyria
                                    And the people of God are captive
                                                In exile

The book of Isaiah was written over time, spanning the exile.
            Our text today is from the last part of Isaiah,
                        Written during Babylonian captivity

This means that at the time our text was written,
            Exile is not new.
                        This generation has grown up in exile.

They don’t remember the promised land.
            They have only heard about it from their parents
                        Who heard about it from their parents

They know that they are destined for more than this exile
            But this exile is all that they know,
                        It has become eerily like home to them
Where we encounter the prophet Isaiah,
He is anticipating that Persia might conquer Babylon
                        And this was good news
                                    Because Persia was notorious for setting captive peoples free

The people of Israel know that they are special
            They know that they are called
                        They were made with a purpose
They are God’s holy people
                                                Set apart by the covenant

They have been told since the time of their father Abraham
            That God will make them into a great nation
                        That they will number as many as the stars

And at every turn where that covenant promise seemed threatened
            From the barrenness of Sarah
                        To Egyptian slavery
                                    To finding that the promised land was already occupied

They have found that God has provided for them
            God has made a way out of no way
                        To fulfill what was promised to them
                                    Because they are God’s special people

Have you ever felt that way
            That you know God has a special calling for your life
                        That you are sealed with a promise?

There is so much anticipation with this sort of thing:
            Big dreams of how God will use you
                        Fantasies of being the exalted chosen one of God

They are waiting for the time when they will fulfil their special role,
            Daydreaming about their bright future

Let us remember that anticipation of what God will do is not always a bad thing
            If we have hope in anything
                        What better hope could we choose than
                                    Anticipating how we could be part of what God is doing?

But for some it can become a source of pride
            A holy gift made into unholy idol

And as often happens for those who are full of themselves,
            The trappings of success lead these people of the covenant
To turn their backs on God

They live for themselves,
            And worship other gods
                        They ignore the many prophets that God has sent to call them back
                                    And they forget who they are
                                                And whose they are

And then they are lost
            Though they have inherited the promised land,
                        Though they have built a monarchy and a great temple,
                                    They are defeated by the Assyrians
                                                And then they are taken captive by the Babylonians
                                                            Forced to worship other gods
                                                                        Driven from their homeland
                                                                                    And sent into exile

After being lost in the wilderness, building a foundation, and then losing everything,
            They are searching for meaning
                        For a place to land
                                    For anything that can remind them of God’s promises

They are searching for a God that they can’t see
            But who they know must be there

Church, have you been there?
            Have you ever gone from nothing to everything
                        From ambiguity to prosperity
                                    From failure to success,
                                                Only to have everything that you’ve worked so hard to build
                                                            Come tumbling down before your very eyes?

            Have you ever been so lost in the darkness
                        Whether by choice or by circumstance
                                    That you know light must be there somewhere
                                                But all you see is darkness?

            You know that there is still reason to hope
                        And in your gut, beyond what you can explain,
                                    You know that God is faithful

            But all that you can see
                        All that you can touch
                                    All that you can taste
                                                All that you can hear
            Is loneliness and despair?
You pray and you pray
            But you hear nothing in response?

And then you don’t even know what to pray anymore?
            All that comes out are the groans that words cannot express.
                        Those deep melodies of longing
                                    Where even singing seems useless
                                                But you do it anyway
In hope that
Maybe God might hear you?

            Precious Lord, take my hand
            Lead me on, let me stand
            I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
            Through the storm, through the night
            Lead me on to the light
            Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

Church, have you ever been struck down at every turn?
            People say demeaning things about you
                        People say untrue things about you,
                                    Words intended to bring you harm,
                                                And there is nothing you can do to correct the lies
                                                            Or silence the wicked?

Have you ever suffered from an illness
            Or a loss
                        Or a sorrow
                                    That unfrayed you to your last inch
And you have no idea how you’re going to make it
                        And no one seems to understand what you’re going through?

And something in you,
            Something you can’t explain,
                        But something you know you can rely on,
                                    Tells you that God is faithfully present with you
                                                Even though you can’t see it
                                                            Even though you can’t feel it
                                                                        Even though you can’t hear it
Something inside you assures you with
Illogical, intangible, unshakeable hope…

            Why should I feel discouraged?
            And why should the shadows come
            Why should my heart be lonely
            And long for heaven and home
            When Jesus is my portion
            My constant friend is he
            His eye is on the sparrow
            And I know he watches me
            His eye is on the sparrow
            And I know he watches me

            Whenever I am tempted
            Whenever clouds arise
            When songs give way to sighing
            And when hope within me dies
            I draw closer to him
            From care he sets me free
            His eye is on the sparrow
            And I know he watches me
            His eye is on the sparrow
            And I know he watches me

By faith, the people of Israel
            Continue to believe that
                        Just as God has been faithful
                                    God will continue to be faithful

And though they are still living in the mess
            Living in the sadness
                        Living in the reality of exile,
                                    They know that God is with them
                                                And they take courage:

            When peace like a river, attendeth my way
            When sorrows like sea billows roll;
            Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
            It is well, it is well, with my soul

In their exile,
they reorient themselves to God.
            They let their physical exile
                        Point them to their spiritual exile
                                    And they draw closer to God

They repent for the sins they have committed against God
            They accept that they are in exile because of their own choices
                        They realize that God had given them a homeland
                                    And a king
                                                And a temple

            And they were not faithful stewards
                        They did not hold up their end of the covenant
                                    And even as God sent prophet after prophet to steer them back on course
                                                They have ignored the word of God
                                                            They have abandoned the way God called them to live

They experience the height and depth and width and breadth of mercy
            Of love beyond reason or measure

            Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
            That saved a wretch like me
            I once was lost, but now am found
            Was blind but now I see

And they learn that God will not just take them out of exile,
            But their story will be part of something much bigger
                        Their story will be part of God’s story in the world
                                    Not that God caused their suffering,
But that God will use their suffering
            To save the world

Church, did you hear that?
            It’s not just that God has a plan for them.
                        It’s that God has a plan for the entire world.

Their story will be a part of God’s redemption of humankind!
God will rescue them
                        Like God will rescue all who are captive

The promise of salvation will stretch beyond the Jews!
            The good news is for everyone!

            O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
            Consider all the works Thy hand hath made
            I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
            Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
            How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
            Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
            How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

The Canaanites do not have the ultimate power
            For God drove them out of the promised land

The Assyrians did not have the ultimate power
            For they were conquered by the Babylonians

The Babylonians will not have the ultimate power
            For they will be conquered by the Persians
The Persians won’t have the ultimate power

            Because God has a story
That is bigger than any earthly kingdom

God is bigger than we thought before
            Because God isn’t just for the Israelites
                        God is for everyone
                                    God has promises enough for everyone!

            Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
            There is no shadow of turning with Thee,
            Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,
            As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be

            Great is Thy faithfulness!
            Great is Thy faithfulness!
            Morning by morning new mercies I see
            All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided
            Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me

So, church,
            Let us not live like those who are trapped in the darkness
                        Let us not live like those who have forgotten the promise
Let us not live like those who do not know
That God is bigger than we ever dreamed

Because the same God who spoke promises over Israel
            Spoke promises over you

The same God who rescued Israel from slavery and from exile
            Sent Jesus to die on the cross to save you
                        The same God who loved Israel
                                    Loves you
                                                The same God who forgave Israel
                                                            Forgives you

And, church, the same God whose plans were bigger than the story of Israel
            Are bigger than the story of you
                        Will work in you and through you
                                    To redeem and restore and renew
Your story joins with the stories of those who have gone before
            Testifying to the glory and power of God
                        Bearing witness to the saving power of God’s grace
                                    And the majesty of God’s creation
                                                And the wonder of the cross

The same God who was faithful to Israel
            Will be faithful to you

And just as Israel has suffered
            And just as you have suffered
                        Others around you are suffering

Can you see them?
            Do you know people around you who are suffering?
                        Who are bearing a heavy burden and whose hearts are heavy laden?

Though we suffer
            And though we know others who suffer…

God is bigger than suffering
            And God is bigger than you and your circumstances

Glory be to God that God is bigger than all the things which oppress us
            God is bigger than the people who speak lies about us
                        God is bigger than the people who seek to harm us
                                    God is bigger than the things we have lost
                                                God is bigger than our sorrows
                                                            God is bigger than our sins
                                                                        God is bigger than our loneliness
                                                                                    God is bigger than our grief

To God be the glory that God’s plans are bigger than our plans
            To God be the glory that God’s ways are higher than our ways
                        To God be the Glory that God’s thoughts are bigger than our thoughts
                                    And God’s story is bigger than our story

But thanks be to God that God wants to include us in that story
            Thanks be to God that your story joins with the angels as they proclaim
                        Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty!
                                    Who was and is and is to come!

            I see the Lord seated on the throne Exalted
            And the train of his robe fills the temple with glory
            And the whole earth is filled,   And the whole earth is filled
            And the whole earth is filled with his glory

Thanks be to God that the light of God
broke through the darkness
in Israel’s exile
Thanks be to God that the light of God
broke through the darkness
in your life
And thanks be to God that the light of God
will break through every dark place
                        As we, God’s church, take that light out into the world.

So as we go out from this place
            May the light of God shine in us
                        And from us
                                    And through us
                                                And beyond us
            That all who thirst may drink the living water
                        That all who hunger may eat the bread of life
That every broken place may be made whole
                        That every crooked place may be made straight
                                    That every dark place may be made brilliant
                                                With the love of God

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine